
Records & ID Section
Q: Where is the Records & ID Section located and what are their hours?
A: The Records and ID Section is located at:
1st Floor of the ITC Building, Suite 131
Hours of operation are:
8:00am – 3:00 pm for Police Clearance, Reports and Firearms Identification Card Processing.
Contact number: 671-475-8500
General email: records@gpd.guam.gov
Q: How do I obtain a Guam Firearms ID card?
A: To obtain a Guam Firearms ID Card the following must be met:
- Shall complete the Guam Firearms ID Application;
- Must be a U.S. Citizen;
- Certified Birth Certificate with a Photo ID Card; AND a Social Security Card; OR
- A valid U.S. Passport; AND a Social Security Card; OR
- A Naturalization Certificate AND a Social Security Card.
- Provide a $47.00 Money Order or Cashier’s Check made payable to the “Superior Court of Guam”. This fee is for the FBI Background Check (and will be sent to Washington D.C. for Identification Records Check) and must be made in this form of payment ONLY (Money Order or Cashier’s Check)
- Complete two (2) fingerprint cards AND must be filled out neatly and in BLACK INK ONLY. Fingerprint processing will be administered by the Guam Police Department Records and ID Section.
There is a $34.00 USC fee for fingerprinting. - $43.00 USC Application fee due upon the arrival of approved FBI results.
- Certified documents are required to support any name changes such as a Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decree, Adoption Decree, etc…
- The wait time for results from FBI is 10 working days.
- Firearm Identifications cards are valid for 3 years.
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